Research Article

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Early Diagnosis of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection  

Sha Li
Ningbo cha microorganism technology co., ltd, Ningbo, 315000, China
Author    Correspondence author
Molecular Pathogens, 2024, Vol. 15, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/mp.2024.15.0001
Received: 11 Nov., 2023    Accepted: 16 Dec., 2023    Published: 01 Jan., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Li S., 2024, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Early Diagnosis of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection, Molecular Pathogens, 15(1): 1-8 (doi: 10.5376/mp.2024.15.0001)


This review mainly discusses the application and potential value of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the commonly used influenza A (H1N1) virus diagnosis methods, the limitations of the diagnosis methods and the wide applicability of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis, this paper focuses on the specific application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, and highlights its special advantages in improving the accuracy and efficiency of early diagnosis. The research also discusses the advantages and challenges of how artificial intelligence can improve the accuracy and efficiency of early diagnosis. In addition, this review also summarizes the future development trend of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. Through practical application and case study, the effect and influence of artificial intelligence in practical application are evaluated, and suggestions and prospects for future research are put forward. Although artificial intelligence still faces some challenges and limitations in practical application, with the continuous progress of technology and deeper understanding of artificial intelligence, it is believed that the application of artificial intelligence in medical and health fields will be more and more extensive in the future.

Artificial intelligence; Early diagnosis; Influenza A (H1N1) virus; Effect evaluation

The influenza A (H1N1) virus is a highly contagious virus that has become one of the significant global public health threats since its first outbreak in 2009. The disease symptoms caused by the virus are similar to other types of influenza, including fever, cough, sore throat, and body aches. However, it can also lead to more severe complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure. Therefore, early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection is crucial for controlling the spread of the epidemic and timely treatment of patients. This study will explore the application of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, analyzing its feasibility and potential value (María et al., 2021).


The application of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis has become one of the hot topics in research nowadays. It involves various technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, which can handle large amounts of medical data and improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis. In medical diagnosis, the application of artificial intelligence can support doctors in tasks such as disease analysis, prediction, and treatment plan formulation. Particularly in the face of outbreaks of novel viruses, artificial intelligence can assist doctors in quickly identifying suspected cases, implementing early isolation and treatment measures, and effectively preventing the spread of the virus (Mintz and Brodie, 2018).


By studying and analyzing the application of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, this research aims to validate the potential of artificial intelligence in improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency, and explore its practical effects in practice (Lin et al., 2021). It is believed that through the application of artificial intelligence technology, cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection can be diagnosed faster and more accurately in the future, thus gaining valuable time for prevention, control, and treatment efforts, and effectively safeguarding public health and safety.


1 Diagnostic Methods for Influenza A (H1N1) Virus

1.1 Currently used diagnostic methods for influenza A (H1N1) virus include

The commonly used diagnostic methods for influenza A (H1N1) virus currently mainly include source tracing examination, symptom examination, and laboratory testing. Source tracing examination is a method that assists doctors in diagnosing the disease by investigating patients' contact history and travel history. Since the H1N1 influenza virus is often contracted through contact with infected individuals or in disease hotspots before the onset of symptoms, understanding and analyzing this information allows doctors to make more accurate judgments on whether the patient is infected with influenza A (H1N1) virus (Swine, 2009).


Symptom examination is a method based on the observation and evaluation of the patient's symptoms. Although the symptoms of influenza A (H1N1) virus are similar to those of common influenza, they tend to be more severe at the onset of the illness, typically peaking around days 4 to 7 and lasting for approximately one week. Some patients may experience some improvement. Therefore, by observing and evaluating the patient's symptoms, doctors can make a more accurate diagnosis of whether it is an infection with influenza A (H1N1) virus.


Laboratory testing is a method that involves collecting samples such as throat swabs and nasal swabs from patients for nucleic acid examination and virus isolation testing. It is a relatively accurate diagnostic method (Figure 1). Nucleic acid examination is one of the important criteria for diagnosing influenza A (H1N1). If the results of throat swab or nasal swab tests are positive, it can be generally confirmed that the patient is infected. Virus isolation testing involves culturing and isolating nasal secretions, pharyngeal gargle fluids, and respiratory epithelial tissue cells from the patient's throat. If H1N1 virus can be clearly isolated, it can confirm the infection. Laboratory testing has high sensitivity and specificity, making it possible to accurately diagnose influenza A (H1N1) virus infection (María et al., 2021).


Figure 1 Detection of throat swab and nose swab (Picture source: Sohu)


1.2 Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of various diagnostic methods

Source tracing examination is a method used to determine the possibility of infection with influenza A (H1N1) virus by asking the patient about their travel history and contact history. The method has the advantages of being cost-effective and widely applicable. Source tracing examination does not require additional instruments and equipment, only the inquiry conducted by healthcare professionals or personnel from disease control departments. Therefore, it is a rapid diagnostic method for large-scale outbreak investigations. Furthermore, it is useful for preliminary assessment of the situation and can help determine whether further symptom examination or laboratory testing is needed.


Symptom examination is a method used to assess the likelihood of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection by observing the patient's physical symptoms. The method has the advantages of being simple, non-invasive, and easy to perform. Doctors can preliminarily determine the need for further diagnostic measures by asking the patient about flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, etc. Furthermore, symptom examination does not involve any invasive procedures, thus causing no additional harm or injury to the patient's body.


Laboratory testing is a method used to confirm whether an individual is infected with influenza A (H1N1) virus by collecting respiratory samples such as throat swabs or nasopharyngeal swabs for virus nucleic acid detection or antigen testing (Michaelis et al., 2009). This method has the advantages of high diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity. Laboratory testing can conclusively detect the presence of the virus and determine its subtypes, aiding doctors in selecting appropriate treatment plans. However, laboratory testing requires specialized laboratory equipment and expertise, which may take some time and incur costs. Therefore, it is not feasible for large-scale screenings to be conducted within a short timeframe.


1.3 The importance of early diagnosis

Early diagnosis is of great significance in disease management and prevention. It enables prompt measures to be taken for timely treatment and disease management. For many diseases, early treatment often improves efficacy and reduces the occurrence of complications. For instance, in cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, early use of antiviral medications can alleviate symptoms and shorten recovery time. Therefore, through early diagnosis, healthcare professionals can quickly initiate appropriate treatment measures, aiding in the patient's recovery and disease control (Benjamin et al., 2022).


Early diagnosis is equally important for disease prevention and control. In the case of certain infectious diseases, early diagnosis can help isolate patients early and implement corresponding prevention and control measures, effectively reducing disease transmission. For example, in the event of a newly emerging infectious disease outbreak, early diagnosis can assist in identifying and isolating infected individuals, thereby reducing the spread of the disease within the community.


In addition, early diagnosis also contributes to a better understanding of the epidemiology and characteristics of diseases. By detecting cases in a timely manner and making diagnoses, relevant data can be collected and analyzed to understand the types of viruses or bacteria, transmission routes, and trends of the disease, providing a basis for formulating targeted prevention and control strategies. Through early diagnosis, prompt treatment measures can be implemented, alleviating symptoms and preventing the occurrence of complications. Furthermore, early diagnosis facilitates timely patient isolation, reducing disease transmission, and providing data support to aid in the development of effective prevention and control strategies. Therefore, strengthening the capacity and means of early diagnosis is crucial.


2 The Specific Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection

2.1 Methods and strategies of using artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

Utilizing artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection is an emerging method and strategy with a broad range of applications. Artificial intelligence can analyze various clinical data of patients, such as medical history, symptoms, and physical signs, to extract key information for disease assessment and diagnostic judgments. Machine learning algorithms can mimic human thinking processes and, through training and learning, establish predictive models to identify features and patterns of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection (Benjamin et al., 2022).


Artificial intelligence can also be applied to early screening and warning systems for influenza viruses. By analyzing and modeling a large amount of influenza virus data, artificial intelligence can identify the risk factors and associated features that may indicate the presence of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. With these information, predictive models can be developed to monitor the spread and epidemiological trends of influenza viruses in real-time, providing early warnings of possible outbreaks. This can help in taking timely measures for prevention and control.


Artificial intelligence can also be used for drug development and optimization of treatment plans for influenza viruses (Figure 2). By utilizing machine learning and data mining techniques, large-scale drug databases and biological information can be analyzed to identify potential antiviral drugs and therapeutic targets. Artificial intelligence can assist researchers in virtual screening and drug design, accelerating the speed and efficiency of drug discovery. Additionally, by analyzing individual patient characteristics and disease conditions, artificial intelligence can develop personalized treatment plans to improve treatment efficacy and prevention.


Figure 2 Using artificial intelligence to diagnose influenza A (H1N1) virus infection (Picture source: Sohu)


2.2 The application of data-driven predictive models in the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

Data-driven predictive models have vast applications in the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. By analyzing large-scale case data and patient information, these models can assist doctors in making more accurate and efficient diagnoses. Data-driven predictive models utilize machine learning and deep learning algorithms to extract valuable information from multidimensional data, including clinical manifestations, laboratory test results, epidemiological characteristics, and more, to further predict the likelihood of a patient being infected with influenza A (H1N1) virus. The learning and training processes of these models are based on historical case data, continuously optimizing the model parameters to improve prediction accuracy (Winter and Carusi, 2022).


Data-driven predictive models can incorporate various external factors such as geographic location, climate change, and socio-economic factors to predict the transmission trends of influenza A (H1N1) virus. These factors can potentially affect the speed and scope of virus transmission, consequently impacting the spread of the epidemic. By analyzing these factors, the models can assist doctors and public health agencies in implementing preventive measures in advance, slowing down the rate of epidemic spread.


Data-driven predictive models can also assess the effectiveness of antiviral drugs. By analyzing clinical trial data and real-world data, the models can predict the treatment outcomes of antiviral drugs for different populations, providing doctors with more reference guidance. Meanwhile, these models can personalize the best treatment plan for each patient based on individual variations. As technology advances and data quality improves, the application of these models will become increasingly widespread, offering more assistance and support to prevention, control, and treatment efforts.


2.3 Methods and achievements of using deep learning for the diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

Deep learning models can be utilized to predict whether patients are infected with influenza A (H1N1) virus. These predictive models are based on a large volume of case data and learn the features of these cases to diagnose new incoming cases. Deep learning models exhibit high sensitivity and specificity, effectively improving diagnostic accuracy, and can process large amounts of case data in a short amount of time.


Deep learning models can also be applied to the detection and classification of viral genomes. By analyzing viral genome data, deep learning models can automatically identify subtypes and variations of the virus, providing more accurate information for prevention, control, and treatment efforts. Deep learning models can also be used for studying disease mechanisms. By analyzing and mining case data, deep learning models can uncover key factors and mechanisms hidden within the data, contributing to a deeper understanding of the pathogenesis and transmission pathways of influenza A (H1N1) virus.


Furthermore, deep learning models can be applied to epidemic prevention and control. By analyzing and predicting case data, deep learning models can identify focal points and challenges in prevention and control efforts, forecast the trends and scale of virus transmission, provide scientific evidence for formulating prevention and control measures, and offer more assistance and support to prevention and treatment efforts.


3 Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Case Studies

3.1 Artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

Researchers Utilizing artificial intelligence techniques, researchers have trained a model that assists doctors in diagnosis by analyzing and learning from case data. The model can automatically recognize patient symptoms and signs, and incorporate information such as age, gender, and medical history to predict the likelihood of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. Compared to traditional diagnostic methods that heavily rely on the experience of doctors and laboratory testing, which have their limitations, the use of artificial intelligence as an aid can enhance diagnostic accuracy and efficiency (Lee and Ahn, 2020).


Artificial intelligence, by automatically recognizing patient symptoms and signs, can reduce subjective errors made by doctors and improve diagnostic accuracy. Furthermore, by quickly analyzing large volumes of case data, it can enhance diagnostic efficiency and reduce patient waiting time. AI-assisted diagnosis can also provide doctors with more reference information to aid in formulating treatment plans and preventive measures, thereby reducing the patient's treatment duration and lowering the incidence of complications.


3.2 Instances of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection

Artificial intelligence has been widely applied in the early diagnosis of influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, showcasing a diverse range of examples. For instance, by analyzing patient medical records and clinical symptoms, artificial intelligence can quickly screen whether patients are infected with the flu virus. It can automatically analyze a large volume of patient data and identify key features associated with influenza virus infection, such as coughing, fever, and respiratory distress. This aids doctors in early detection and identification of infection cases, enabling prompt measures for isolation and treatment (Lee and Ahn, 2020).


On the other hand, artificial intelligence also finds applications in medical imaging. By studying and analyzing imaging data such as X-rays, CT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) related to influenza virus infection, artificial intelligence can identify features associated with the infection. For example, it can assist doctors in detecting signs of lung infection, such as lesions and infiltrations. It helps provide earlier and more accurate diagnostic results and aids doctors in formulating appropriate treatment plans.


Furthermore, AI-based virus detection methods have been widely applied. Traditional virus detection typically requires complex laboratory equipment and techniques, taking a considerable amount of time to produce results. With the support of AI, machine learning techniques can be employed to rapidly analyze and identify viruses in patient samples such as blood, saliva, or nasopharyngeal swabs. This significantly reduces the time required for virus detection, accelerates the diagnostic process, and improves treatment efficacy.


3.3 Using artificial intelligence to predict the transmission trend of influenza A (H1N1) virus

Researchers utilize artificial intelligence techniques to analyze and predict the transmission trend and scale of influenza A (H1N1) virus by examining historical case data and external factors. The model takes into account various factors such as geographic location, climate changes, and socio-economic factors that influence virus transmission, providing a scientific basis for formulating prevention and control measures. Through this approach, it can better guide vaccination strategies, allocation of healthcare resources, and the implementation of prevention and control measures (Huang et al., 2020).


To predict the transmission trend of influenza A (H1N1) virus using artificial intelligence, a large amount of historical case data needs to be collected. This data includes information such as patient symptoms, signs, laboratory test results, and treatment history. By analyzing and learning from this data, the AI model can identify patterns and influencing factors related to the transmission of influenza A (H1N1) virus.


The AI model utilizes machine learning and deep learning algorithms for prediction. By analyzing historical case data and external factors, the model can build a predictive model and validate and adjust it using new data. This prediction method enables rapid and accurate forecasting of the virus's transmission trend and scale.


4 The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Early Diagnosis of Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection

4.1 How artificial intelligence improves the accuracy and efficiency of early diagnosis

Artificial intelligence has significant potential to improve the accuracy and efficiency of early diagnosis in the medical field. AI utilizes big data analytics to analyze vast amounts of medical data, including patient medical records, laboratory test results, and medical imaging, to identify potential disease patterns and risk factors. This can assist healthcare professionals in swiftly and accurately diagnosing early-stage conditions, thereby enhancing diagnostic accuracy (Yan et al., 2021).


Artificial intelligence harnesses machine learning and deep learning algorithms to construct intelligent diagnostic models. These models are trained based on existing medical knowledge and data, continuously optimizing their diagnostic capabilities. Compared to traditional clinical decision-making methods, AI models can consider a wide range of factors comprehensively and make comprehensive judgments on patients' conditions. By assisting physicians in preliminary diagnosis, AI can help improve diagnostic efficiency and reduce the risks of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.


Artificial intelligence can also be applied to medical image analysis. Through deep learning algorithms, AI can automatically identify and label areas of pathology in medical images, assisting physicians in assessing the disease. This not only improves the detection rate of early-stage diseases but also speeds up the work pace of physicians and enhances efficiency. The application of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis has already achieved significant success in the early diagnosis of certain diseases.


4.2 Special advantages and challenges of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis

Artificial intelligence has unique advantages in early diagnosis, including the ability to process large amounts of data and provide rapid diagnoses. However, it also needs to address challenges such as data quality, privacy and security, and interpretability to further develop and apply its potential in the medical field. AI performs exceptionally well in handling large volumes of medical data. It can analyze various types of medical images, laboratory results, and medical records to provide fast and accurate diagnostic results. Through machine learning and deep learning algorithms, AI can learn and recognize complex disease patterns and features, aiding in the identification of early signs of diseases (El Khatib and Ahmed, 2019).


AI can also provide fast diagnostics and decision support. It can analyze large amounts of data within a short period of time and provide immediate diagnostic suggestions to healthcare professionals. In complex cases, AI can uncover subtle features that doctors may overlook or find difficult to detect. It helps doctors improve accuracy and efficiency and enables timely implementation of appropriate treatment measures.


However, AI also faces challenges in early diagnosis. Data quality and availability are important issues. AI requires a large amount of high-quality data for training and validation, but in some medical fields, data collection and sharing still have limitations. Moreover, the privacy and security of medical data need to be carefully considered to avoid the leakage of sensitive information.


The interpretability of AI models is also a challenge. While AI can provide accurate diagnostic results, explaining the reasons and process behind them may not be intuitive. Understanding and accepting the decision-making processes of AI for physicians and patients is an important issue. Therefore, researchers need to propose effective methods to explain and visualize the decision-making processes of AI models to increase human trust and acceptance.


4.3 Future development trends of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis

With the continuous advancement of technology, the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging will become more precise and efficient. New algorithms and deep learning techniques will enable AI to accurately identify and interpret abnormalities in medical images, helping doctors detect disease signs earlier.


The application of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis will also expand to other fields such as genomics and molecular medicine. By analyzing genetic data and cellular signals, AI can assist doctors in gaining a better understanding of disease mechanisms and provide personalized diagnosis and treatment plans based on individual genetic variations.


In the future, the development of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis will also involve the integration and analysis of multimodal data. Medical data often involves multiple types of information, such as medical images, laboratory results, and medical records. Integrating and analyzing these data will help doctors form more comprehensive and accurate early diagnosis results. The development of artificial intelligence in early diagnosis also requires close integration with clinical practice. Through collaboration and feedback from doctors, AI can continuously optimize and improve diagnostic algorithms, enhancing their practicality and usability in clinical settings.


5 Summary and Prospect

Artificial intelligence has made important contributions and value in the early diagnosis of A (H1N1) influenza virus infection. By analyzing patients' medical records and clinical symptoms, artificial intelligence can quickly and accurately screen whether patients may be infected with the influenza virus. It helps doctors to promptly detect infection cases and implement appropriate isolation and treatment measures, thereby reducing the spread and severity of the epidemic. The application of artificial intelligence in medical image analysis has provided new breakthroughs for diagnosis. Through deep learning and image recognition techniques, artificial intelligence can automatically analyze and identify lung manifestations related to influenza virus infection, such as lesions and infiltrates. This not only enables doctors to obtain accurate diagnostic results quickly but also reduces dependence on experts, improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency (Hegde et al., 2022).


Given the successful application of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of A (H1N1) influenza virus infection, future research can focus on the following aspects. First, ongoing data collection and model optimization should be continued. In the early diagnosis of influenza virus infection, collecting more clinical and imaging data is crucial for improving the accuracy and robustness of artificial intelligence models. Simultaneously, algorithms and models need to be further optimized to enhance sensitivity and specificity for influenza virus infection. Future research can explore the application of artificial intelligence in influenza outbreak prediction and monitoring. By collecting a large amount of influenza-related data, such as symptoms, population movements, and social media data, artificial intelligence can help predict and monitor the spread trends and high-risk regions of influenza outbreaks. This will contribute to the formulation of more effective intervention measures and resource allocation to tackle the challenges of influenza outbreaks.


The successful experience of artificial intelligence in the early diagnosis of influenza virus infection can provide inspiration for research on early diagnosis of other infectious diseases. Applying similar methods and techniques to the early diagnosis of other infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc., is expected to make greater progress in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.



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